Red Energy Potion


Elevate your game with our 'Red Potion', an extraordinary energy drink that's as enticing as it is effective. This fiery red potion delivers an explosive berry flavor and an energy kick that keeps you at the top of your game. Are you ready to level up?



Features Vertical Table

flavor Intense berry fusion
caffeine_content Contains 80mg of caffeine per serving
sugar_content No added sugars
brand GameFuel
care_instructions Best served chilled
purpose Aimed at enhancing gaming performance and focus
container Packaged in a unique, reusable potion-like bottle

Packs Horizontal Table

Version Package Weight Package Dimension Variants Delivery Type
Pack 1 1,00 kg 100x230 cm 2 available 1 Day shipping
Pack 2 2,11 kg 200x460 cm 2 available 1 Day shipping
Pack 3 3,22 kg 300x690 cm 2 available 1 Day shipping
Pack 4 4,33 kg 400x920 cm 2 available 1 Day shipping
Pack 5 5,44 kg 500x1150 cm 2 available 1 Day shipping